
Week 4-Abstract Art

Here’s Abstract Art!  (Literally…)  Honestly, I hated abstract art back when I was an art student.  Of course, at times it seems the art world expects people to instinctively understand the “brilliance” of particular pieces of art, and if they don’t…well, then, there’s no help for you. As I’ve learned more about abstract and modern art, […]

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Week 3-Draw Upside Down

Here we go! I struggled with this one because a part of me wanted to draw the Greek gods and goddesses we are studying for history this week, but then I realized-two birds with one stone, I could instead draw animals like the eagle (which happens to be associated with Zeus), the Owl (Athena-Minerva) and […]

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Week 2!

Sorry about the delay-I wish I could say my computer ate my visuals for this module but the truth is…I forgot where I saved them, and had to start all over! The actual tutorial is virtually unchanged, outside of page numbers and drawing exercises at the end.  I liked how the teaching portion of the  […]

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Fifth Edition Week 1 is here!

Week 1 is done!  Week 1 is done! <Screaming for joy as I run over the hills!> Kidding.  There really aren’t many hills near my neighborhood…and you can get lost in the forest of corn until harvest season! Week 1 is done, and I hope you find it helpful.  This year, I decided to incorporate […]

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Cycle 3, Week 16-Andrew Wyeth

Andrew Wyeth is the middle of a father-son-grandson generations of painters.  his own father, N.C. Wyeth, was one of the kings of the “Golden Age of Illustrators”. Andrew, whose health was fragile as a boy, was homeschooled by his parents, and his father, quickly realizing Andrew’s skillful adaptation to drawing, soon made painting the core […]

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Rockwell Refinements

I’m working on Andrew Wyeth, which is a “resist” project, but in the meantime, my director did something really cool for our kids, which I wanted to share, and what I designed for my Abecedarians had some requests on facebook, so here it is.   My director’s idea worked great for our Apprentices through Masters and […]

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Cycle 3 Week 14-Norman Rockwell

My computer came back!  Yay!  I have Sooooo much to catch up on. Norman Rockwell is one of those artists most people love…unless you’re in art.  I’m not sure why. Despite having a degree in art, I always had a soft spot for Rockwell’s work, but many “critics” really don’t like him. Part of the […]

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