
Fifth Edition Week 1 is here!

Week 1 is done!  Week 1 is done!

<Screaming for joy as I run over the hills!>

Kidding.  There really aren’t many hills near my neighborhood…and you can get lost in the forest of corn until harvest season!

Week 1 is done, and I hope you find it helpful.  This year, I decided to incorporate some art vocabulary, since, with the new book, we are encouraged to name things.  I will also say, if you are here as a Classical Conversations student or parent, that the fish blocking/progression on page 81 of the 5th ed Guide is absolutely wonderful!

This tutorial is 36 pages long, nearly half of which is just examples and images.

If you have any questions, please let me know on my facebook page.  Facebook lets me know when someone interacts with me, and I”ve just now discovered that not all of my comments or emails have been getting forwarded to my email program which I use.  If you were among those who I didn’t respond to because I was unaware of your contact, I am sorry.  I’m working to fix that, but alas!  Technology isn’t my strong point.

You’ll notice a lot of similarities between last year’s tutorials and this year’s, since CC decided to keep the overall headings of the art segments. I did, however, tear everything apart and piece it back together.  Based on feedback, I also added some simple ideas for younger students.

I’ll also be adding some extra articles here about drawing materials, in case you were wondering things like, “do I need a drawing set?”  “What are those HB, 2B, 4H pencils?”  “What does it mean when the paper is 70lbs, and good for drawing, while other papers say 90lbs watercolor paper?”  “Is there such a things as a “good” and “bad” eraser?” (YES!  Yes there is!)   So I hope I can answer some of those questions.

So here we go!  Have a great year, I’ll be back in a few days with part 2!

CC 5th ed. C1 W1 OiLS Tutor demo