Preparatory sketch for Catherine’s Pascha: A Celebration of Easter in the Orthodox Church.
I got into teaching art through Classical Conversations. I’d taught art on a substitute basis before, but you always have to follow the regular teacher’s rules when you do that.
One of the things I love about Classical Conversations is it integrates art and music, both the study of theory and technique and the study of the artists and musicians. It is, hands down, my favorite time of class. (Though I’m ready to put the flutes away/throw the flutes away after week six of theory, I must admit!)
I created these scripts and resources for my fellow tutors. I hope you find them useful if you’re tutoring Classical Conversations, or if you are a parent of a student who is wanting to learn more. If you have a question about art or how to do something, leave a comment or send an e-mail. If I don’t know the answer, I have lots of books and resources. Plus, I’m blessed to now attend church with two of my art professors from college, my mother-in-law is a pastel artist with a printmaking degree, my grandmother-in-law is an oil portraitist, two of my siblings and an aunt are professional/semi-professional photographers. If you have a question or want to know how to do something, I can probably track down an answer one way or another, and we can all learn together!
Drawing Tutorial introduction
Week One Tutorial: OiLS
By the way, the sketch above was created using a variation on OiLS with a photograph as a visual reference. It really does work!